
Peacemaker Admits He Actually Admires 1 Justice League Hero » Moviemania

Peacemaker Admits He Actually Admires 1 Justice League Hero

Peacemaker Admits He Actually Admires 1 Justice League Hero

Contains spoilers for Peacemaker Tries Hard! #3!There’s one superhero in the Justice League that Peacemaker surprisingly looks up to. At his lowest moment, Christopher Smith takes inspiration from his favorite Leaguer to keep him going. In Peacemaker Tries Hard! 3 by Kyle Starks and Steve Pugh, Smith has just been betrayed by Monsieur Mallah and left for dead in the middle of nowhere. Smith had only worked with the gorilla after he and the Brain kidnapped Peacemaker’s newly adopted dog, Bruce Wayne. Feeling low about the downswing he’s in, Peacemaker stops at a local tavern to recover and wallow in his feelings.

However, Smith’s pity party doesn’t last long as he’s confronted by the Demolition Team, the crew of mercenaries Peacemaker assaulted during his mission with Mallah. Angry at the Peacemaker for killing their ally, the party attacks Smith. Unfortunately for them, they weren’t prepared for characters like Peacemaker, who easily annihilated each of the construction-themed villains. Refreshed by the cheers of bar patrons, Smith realizes that he’s not bad as a superhero, he just sucks compared to heroes like Green Lantern. Noting that Green Lantern wouldn’t give up in the face of adversity, Peacemaker sets out to go save his dog.

Peacemaker Sees Green Lantern as a Model Superhero


As far as superheroes go, Peacemaker is pretty far down on the list of people’s favorites. While the character has experienced a surge of popularity thanks to his recent film and television appearances, in-universe, he’s not well-liked by many. Those who don’t see him and his mission of peace at all costs as psychopathic treat him like a joke. Peacemaker Tries Hard! has made it quite clear that Christopher is one of the most least-liked superheroes around.

But while Peacemaker can be brash and ignorant, he’s surprisingly self-aware. His comparison to Green Lantern not only reveals an admiration for the Justice League member, but it also shows what kind of hero Peacemaker wants to be like. Smith could have easily compared himself to Superman or Batman, but instead, he chooses Green Lantern. Why? Most likely because Green Lantern is a member of the Green Lantern Corps, the largest peacekeeping force in the DC Universe. It makes sense that Peacemaker would respect and want to be like the one hero who is essentially a police officer in outer space.

Peacemaker Aspires to be Like Green Lantern


Peacemaker is resolutely devoted to achieving peace at all costs. While the other heroes all want the same thing, really only the Green Lantern has the real job of establishing order across the universe. For better or worse, Smith idolizes organizations dedicated to peace, and Green Lantern is the largest peacekeeping organization in the DC Universe. Peacemaker considers Green Lantern to be a hero who believes in duty and justice, as well as a truly great ass kicker. While he probably won’t be joining the Justice League any time soon, Smith is trying to do better by looking like the hero he deeply respects. Fans can see Smith abandoning the Justice League member he admires most in Peacemaker Tries Hard! #3, currently on sale.

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