Every Spell Cast Only Once In Harry Potter
The Harry Potter books and movies contain hundreds of spells, but some are only seen once. This can be for a number of reasons – some are too advanced or dangerous to use regularly, while others are only very useful in very specific cases. At other times, though, it might seem logical for a spell to be used consistently in the wizarding world, but it’s only been seen in the Harry Potter books and movies in this one instance.
In total, there are about 80 spells mentioned in the Harry Potter books and the movies add some more. They were a variety of charms, curses, hexes, and transformative spells. Of course, more valuable spells such as Accio, Stupify, Alohamora and Wingardium Leviosa have been used frequently throughout the series and are therefore very familiar to Harry Potter fans. Others, like Vera Verto, which turns an animal into a goblet, serve very little purpose and were only seen in the classroom setting, but were still used repeatedly by the students in that class until they got it right. Still, there were many spells in Harry Potter that, regardless of their usefulness, were only seen used once.

Anapneo was used by Horace Slughon in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince when Marcus Belby, a boy temporarily a member of the Slug Club, choked on his dinner. The spell quickly released Belby’s airway obstruction, quickly saving his life. Of course, Harry Potter characters don’t choke on food very often, so this spell is never seen again. Still, it’s sure to be a useful spell for any parent or caregiver in the wizarding world to know.
Alarte Ascendare

Gilderoy Lockhart attempted to use Alarte Ascendare in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to take down the snake Draco Malfoy summoned at the Dueling Club. It’s not clear why the trickster turned teacher thought this spell would be so helpful since, by its etymology, it’s supposed to launch an object into the air. That’s exactly what happened to the snake, so when it landed certainly more violent than before, Professor Snape had to deal with it.

Although the Revelio spell, which is said to reveal hidden secrets, has been used many times in the Harry Potter books and movies, there is a similar spell that only appears once. Hermione Granger used Aparecium on Tom Riddle’s diary in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to check if the previous mysterious owner wrote in invisible inc. It’s not clear how this spell is different from other revelations, but it may be targeted at writing rather than broader secrets.
Brackium Emendo

Brackium Amendo is another spell used by Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that went horribly wrong. Perhaps, if used correctly, the spell would mend a broken bone. However, when Lockhart used it on Harry’s broken wrist, the boy wound up with no bones left in his arm. Unfortunately, this meant a long night in the Hospital Wing waiting for them to painfully grow back.

Although never appearing in the Harry Potter films, Deletrius was used by Barty Crouch Sr in the book Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. After Harry was found under the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup, Ministry officials used Priori Incantato on Harry’s wand to see what spell he last used, and a Dark Mark. A miniature shadow appeared on Harry’s wand. Barty Crouch then quickly used Deletrius to make the small icon disappear from the air.

The Deprimo spell is used to make a hole in the ground, so this is obviously something most mages won’t use on a daily basis. It is only seen in the Harry Potter books when Hermione throws it to punch holes in Xenophilius Lovegood’s second story. She does this so that she, Harry, and a hiding Ron fall to the floor and be seen by the Death Eaters (that way they’ll know Xenophilius wasn’t lying.

Of the members of the Golden Trio (and indeed all the students at Hogwarts), Hermione knows the most spells. This makes her especially valuable in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as the Death Eaters become even more deadly. During the Battle of Hogwarts, she used Duro, who turns objects into stone, on a carpet that obscures a Hogwarts passage. Since two Death Eaters were trying to chase the Golden Trio through the tapestry, their way was blocked (and they were assumedly injured as they ran into it.
Everte Statum

The first time the Harry Potter films show students using a variety of spells is in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when Harry and Draco Malfoy are pitted against each other in a duel. One of the spells Draco used was Everte Statum, which sent Harry flying backwards across the platform. This would have been useful in several battles throughout the Harry Potter series, but it was only shown once.

Injuries are common at Hogwarts, so it’s surprising Ferula isn’t being used more. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, when Sirius Black (in his dog form) bit off Ron’s leg to drag him and Scabber into the Screaming Shack, Remus Lupine used Ferula to create ice and a splint magically wrapped around Ron. legs and put the bones in place. It was a temporary solution that would allow Madame Pomfrey to work her magic on her return to the castle and the infirmary.

Fiendfyre was only used in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and it quickly became apparent why. Vincent Crabbe cast the curse, which he likely learned among the Death Eaters. The fire emitted from his wand took the shape of various magical creatures and decimated anything in its path. Hermione noted that it was one of the few substances that could destroy a Horcrux, but since Fiendfyre was so challenging to control, she never dared try it on their adventures. Unfortunately, Crabbe never learned how to eliminate the flames, and they consumed him inside the Room of Requirement.

Glisseo is another spell that Hermione used in the final battles of the Harry Potter series. When used on stairs, Glisseo makes the steps flat and smooth to create a slide. Hermione took advantage of this when a group of Death Eaters ran up the stairs, and they were all quickly taken downstairs. Although this has never been confirmed, it is believed to be the same spell cast on the stairs leading to the girls’ dormitory in the Gryffindor common room.
Lacarnum Inflamari

In the Harry Potter series, Hermione is very good at creating blue flames that she can carry around in a jar whenever they come in handy. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, this is how she managed to burn Severus Snape’s cloak during Harry’s first Quidditch match. However, in the movie, she used the spell Lacarnum Inflamari. This is the only time this spell is used, probably because it is an invention of the writers rather than part of the Harry Potter canon.

Mobiliarbus is a useful spell that can be used to lift an object a few inches off the ground and move it anywhere the user wants. Hermione used it in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to move a Christmas tree around to hide Harry so that no one could see that he was inside the three broomsticks when he shouldn’t be. Given that this spell can be used on almost any heavy object, it is surprising that it is not used more in Harry Potter.

Another spell used by Hermione, Obscuro, is seen in the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when Harry and Hermione attempt to interrogate a portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black, which they have taken from Grimmauld Square. The spell created a blindfold that was quickly wrapped around Professor Black’s eyes so that the drawing wizard couldn’t see where Harry was hiding and reported it to Severus Snape. Of course, Phineas Nigellus Black ended up doing it in Harry Potter, but it worked in Harry’s favor because that’s how Snape gave him the Gryffindor Sword.

Oppugno is a spell that causes objects to fly across the room and attack the victim the operator has chosen. Hermione used this spell to attack Ron in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix after he and Lavender Brown entered a classroom she hid in to continue kissing in private. In this situation, she forced the birds she had summoned to perform the attack, but it is assumed that almost any small object could be used.
Pierotum Locomotor

Pierotum Locomotor is a transfiguration spell used by Professor McGonagall in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to make all the suits of armor and statues around Hogwarts come alive and protect the school. In the Harry Potter movies, McGonagall mentioned that she had always wanted to use that spell—so it’s evident that it had at least never been used during her time at Hogwarts. Since this seemed to be a function of the castle specifically intended for a siege, it likely hadn’t been used for hundreds of years, if at all.

Quietus’ magic is only seen when Ludo Bagman, a character cut from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, casts it as a spell against Sonorus, a voice amplifying spell. Sonorus has been used several times throughout the Harry Potter series and features a wizard who holds a wand down his throat, recites a spell, then speaks to the crown in a voice that will be amplified to fill it. fill a certain space. However, Bagman is the only wizard in the book to have used Quietus to return his voice to normal after the incident.

Rictusempra was a spell used by Harry during his duel with Draco in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Though it only sent Draco flying backward in the Chamber of Secrets movie, the true purpose of the spell was to cause a victim to experience the sensation of being tickled. The books described this to be unbearable, and during the duel, Draco was unable to move or defend himself because of the laughing.

Draco Malfoy used Serpensortia in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to summon a dangerous snake during his battle with Harry. Of course, in doing that, Draco doesn’t know that Harry is Parseltongue and can only tell the snake not to attack him (or anyone else). However, it caused quite a stir among students. While it may seem like this is the sort of spell any Slytherin would know, its use at Hogwarts would likely result in discipline, so it was never seen again in Harry Potter.

Yet another spell used in Harry and Draco’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets duel, Tarantallegra causes a victim’s legs to spasm out of control. This was one of Draco’s contributions to the fight, so Harry was the unlucky one who was forced to dance wildly around the platform. Though it would be helpful for taking an opponent off guard, it doesn’t cause much harm.