Marvel’s Superman Has One Final Story In His Unfinished Trilogy

Marvel’s Superman Has One Final Story In His Unfinished Trilogy

The Sentry is set to return to the Marvel Universe later this year, in a new miniseries that will see his powers spread across the world, but according to character co-creator Paul Jenkins, he’s still There is still an untold story. serves as the final installment of Marvel’s Superman trilogy. Jenkins, who created Sentry with artist Jae Lee, spoke at the Dragon Con 2023 panel ” Marvel’s Sentry: A Superman Identity Crisis “, about the previous installments of the character title that he wrote and revealed his idea of ​​completing the proposed trilogy. As Jenkins put it, in his third Sentry series, the character will have plans to become “some kind of god”.

Paul Jenkins Has One Sentry Story Left To Tell


Paul Jenkins’ appearance at the ” Marvel’s Sentry: A Superman Identity Crisis” panel at Dragon Con 2023 was filled with information about the character’s origins, as well as thoughts on the Sentry’s place in the MCU. One of the most intriguing things from the panel, however, was Jenkins’ discussion of his plans for the Sentry trilogy, with the final part still unknown: “The first (story) is about the hero rediscovering his powers and asking himself, ‘Is this real?’ » The second part is about self-discovery, discovering who he is and what he will do with these powers. And the third part will talk about his status as such a god. What happens (to Sentinel) when he overcomes humanity? Jenkins first helped launch the character in 2000; he later returned to the character in 2005, teaming with John Romita, Jr. for the next series. Nearly twenty years later, he still feels like he still has the Sentry story in him.

Sentry Is Returning With A New Series, But Not By Paul Jenkins


First appearing in the eponymous 2000 Marvel Knights miniseries, the Sentry was originally presented as a lost creation of Stan Lee’s from the 1960’s. Robbie Robertson gained the power of “a million exploding suns” by ingesting a super-serum, taking flight as the Sentry to battle evil-doers everywhere. But when he discovered that his arch-rival the Void was actually his own dark half, the Sentry used his vast powers to make himself and the rest of the world forget he ever existed, in order to protect everyone. Often called Marvel’s Superman, Sentry’s forthcoming miniseries has been teased as his ‘Reign of Superman’ event.

The Sentry has made the most of his time in the Marvel Universe since his creation, including joining the Avengers and acting as the team’s big gun on several occasions. Still, Paul Jenkins’ original vision of the character, which served as a metaphor for mental health issues, more often than not gets lost in the shuffle. The argument could be made that other creators never quite understood what Jenkins and his artists were going for in previous Sentry series; having the character’s co-creator return to complete the trilogy of Sentry stories started at the beginning of the new millennium is something Marvel should consider with the character’s twenty-fifth anniversary approaching.

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