20 Bane Quotes That Would Strike Fear Even in Batman
Batman’s gallery of rogues is often considered the best, and while few can subdue it, the most notable is Bane. Bane was one of the first villains to break the Caped Crusader both physically and mentally: he broke his bones, his spirit and his pride. According to the writer, how threatening Bane can be. To make Bane more intimidating, he just doesn’t seem to show any sign of weakness other than his reliance on a strength-enhancing drug called Venom, or for some, steroids on steroids. This gives Bane an enormous physical advantage over Batman. However, that doesn’t mean Bane is an oaf who is all brawn and no brains. In fact, he can even match Batman in wits. Bane has shown time and again that his mind can be as sharp as his fighting skills or as strong as his muscles. Sometimes, he does by a display of strategy, and sometimes by imparting some words that can shake Batman’s very foundations as a crime fighter.
It Would Be Extremely Painful For You.

Bane’s introduction to the audience in The Dark Knight Rises comes from a seemingly compromised position, having been captured and interrogated by the CIA. When the CIA agent threatens to remove Bane’s mask to try to hurt him, Bane reassures the agent that it will indeed be painful – for the agent himself.
Such a sure sign of reassurance in the face of insurmountable difficulties would be enough to give anyone a reason to stop, especially given Bane’s fearsome and mysterious reputation.
Only When I’m Dead Do I Intend to Rest

Bane is truly an unstoppable force in the DC Universe and nothing shows it better than his bragging in Batman #23.4. Bane prepares to take Gotham and hone his skills by attacking many prisoners. When he broke their backs and smashed their skulls, he cited the laws of motion. But after citing that a resting body tends to stay at rest, Bane said, “Only when I die do I intend to rest.”
It’s a haunting quote that shows how dedicated the villain is to achieving his goals. For Bane, the laws of nature are just suggestions, things he chooses to ignore if it means helping him accomplish what he sets out to do.
Now Is Not The Time For Fear That Comes Later.

Bane fits Batman’s penchant for deliberate action backed by calculated thinking. His methodical approach to everything he does has earned him major wins in the comics and various media, as evidenced by The Dark Knight Rises.
After catching Doctor Pavel on the run from the CIA, Bane calmly reassures him not to panic during their complicated flight by plane. “Now is not the time for fear,” he mentioned, “it will come later,” in a chilling revelation of what is to come for both the doctor itself and the city of Gotham.
The World Is My Prison. I Will Rule It Or Die.

Bane had one of the toughest upbringings in the comics, being born and raised in a prison in South America. While growing up in such circumstances would bring down an incompetent man, Bane has grown to conquer his surroundings, becoming the uncontrollable master of the prison.
Furthermore, he escaped and managed to master the only symbol he feared: the bat. Traveling to Gotham, Bane defeated Batman and took over the city. Bane lives up to his nihilistic motto, proving that he can indeed rule the prison that is his world. This will worry everyone.
I Choose That I Die

Fans may think that Venom is Bane’s true strength, but he has never been stronger when he left the trash for good. In Secret Six #5, Bane is detained and tortured for information, having bricks thrown at him. When allowed to provide the desired information, Bane coldly said: “I die. I choose death.”
For better or worse, Bane is a man of principles and he is willing to sacrifice his life for the values he holds dear. But it’s a terrifying idea when he’s so committed to his path that he’s willing to die for it. Batman had to come to terms with his own beliefs, and having a villain who wouldn’t give in was a terrible thought.
I Am Necessary Evil.

Bane’s belief in his own ideals and goals goes beyond mere belief. His bigotry is akin to religion, and he is willing to sacrifice everything, including himself, to complete the quest of the League of Shadows. Like a good acolyte, he had no qualms about picking up where Ra’s Al Ghul failed and tried his utmost to not only destroy Gotham City physically but reduce it a husk of its former spirit. He truly believed he was “a necessary evil” to rid humanity of Gotham’s corruption, and the lengths he went to were enough to chill anyone’s soul.
I Am Not A Joke! I Am Not A Riddle! I Am Bane!

This quote from Batman, Episode 3: I Am Bane shows how Bane is different from a lot of Batman villains. Characters like The Riddler play a lot, while The Joker has its clumsy but wicked antics. There are also characters like The Penguin, Mr. Freeze, and many other characters have been used as funny jokes in the past. Bane is different.
Bane is one of the few Batman villains anyone can take seriously, who look like he can actually deal some damage. He screams here that he’s no joke as his superhuman strength and genius-level intelligence make him more than just Batman’s rival.
I’d Kill For Anything

Beautiful and brutal, Bane’s smarts are as big as his muscles, so his threats are not surprising. Growing up in prison, Bane learned to speak several languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin. Bane has proven to be intolerant of failures or blunders, both from himself or his henchmen. At one point, Bane has even taken over Gotham’s underworld and became the supreme kingpin, defeating everyone– even the Joker. This happens because he’s completely ruthless. It doesn’t take a lot for him to be ready to kill.
You Merely Adopted The Dark

This is one of Bane’s most popular quotes. Christopher Nolan had some liberties with his version of Bane for The Dark Knight Rises but in the end, he did justice to Bane live on screen.
Bane’s words show how much better a fighter he is than Batman. Even without the Venom potion, his strength is equal to or greater than that of Batman. Batman tried to use the darkness to his advantage as he knew it, but Bane was basically raised in the dark.
Gotham Will Be Mine!

In Bane’s first appearance in Batman: Vengeance of Bane 1, fans got to meet an extremely intelligent enemy for the first time. The villain made Batman known by killing a prominent crime family, the first time Bane had a chance to rival Batman. When the Dark Knight looked at him, Bane said, “Batman is Gotham City. I will watch him. Learn Him. And when I get to know him and why he doesn’t kill people, I’ll know this town. And then Gotham will be mine!”
It’s an inspired speech and one that gets to the core of who Bane really is. A lesser muscle-bound villain would have just come to Gotham and challenged Batman immediately. But Bane is highly calculating and cunning. He’s aware that in order to truly conquer the city, he has to know its most infamous byproduct inside and out.
There Is No Such Thing As Childhood. It’s A Myth.

Bane said this for the first time in Secret Six Vol. 3 #16. In his established origin story, Bane was imprisoned as a child after his rebellious and incarcerated father escaped from prison. The corrupt government of the fictional Latin American nation of Santa Prisca has ordered that Bane serve a prison sentence in place of his father despite his young age.
There, Bane learned to grow up the hard way. He spent most of his time in the prison gym and learned to defend himself. However, he did not let prison stifle his intellect. He grabbed and read any book he could find and learned what he could. He also committed his first murder at the age of 8, the same age as Bruce Wayne’s parents were murdered. They both ignore their childhood and have to learn how to be a man. Either way, Bane’s childhood made Bruce’s multibillion-dollar support system look like heaven.
Peace Has Cost You Your Strength!

Batman is as tough as they come but by the time his fight rolls around in The Dark Knight Rises, he’s been in retirement. Gotham was mostly cleaned up so peace allowed him to sit on the sidelines. Unlike Batman, Bane is a man who never stops or has never known peace. During their fight, Bane said this and it’s just another in a long line of memorable quotes during that exchange. Bane was in full control, battering Batman in a way that hadn’t been seen on screen before or since. He could do this because not knowing peace ensured that he’d never become weakened by it.
I am Gotham’s King!

Bane and Batman’s relationship has always been controversial, as the two fight for Gotham’s soul. And Bane has no problem criticizing Batman for being stuck in his beloved city in Forever Evil Aftermath: Batman vs. Bank No. 1. After the invasion of Crime Syndicate, Batman returns to Gotham to restore order after Bane took control in the absence of the Caped Crusader. When Batman tore Bane, the villain replies, “Scarecrow, Crocodile, Clayface… Your entire hall of broken mirrors has made Gotham their whore. Only I was there to protect them. I saved this town I am the King of Gotham!”.
The pure hatred in this quote is palpable. During one of the worst events in DC history, Bane feels that Batman left Gotham when it needed him the most. Not only does it show that Bane takes his conquest of Gotham seriously, but that he holds Batman accountable for its well-being. Failing Gotham in any capacity is something that Bane won’t tolerate from the person claiming to be the city’s hero.
Do You Feel In Charge?

One of The Dark Knight Rises’ most iconic moments is the scene where Bane gets his hands on a rich, bossy man, asks that question, and immediately gags him and makes him shiver. You can feel the violence in his voice and gestures and the scariest part is that he only uses words.
Not even the Joker can do that to a rebellious thug without hurting him. This shows Bane’s confidence and dominance; there’s no need to go into rage or outright violence. If simple, gentle words can’t fool you, you’re not scary or bossy enough.
We Will Destroy Gotham Then You Have My Permission To Die.

The woes in The Dark Knight Rises aren’t just about interrupting the chase. That’s why he lets Batman spy on him and his pals tear Gotham to pieces as he lies helpless in his cell with his back broken.
It shows just how cruel Bane can be, destroying what his enemies love while he watches. Of course, there’s no doubt that Batman loves Gotham more than anything, so that hurts in many ways. On top of that, telling someone they can only die on your terms is pretty scary.
Mine By Right of Power

Deep in her heart, Bane knew Gotham City wasn’t hers. In Bane: Conquest 2, he converses with Bruce Wayne and describes Gotham as “our city”. When Bruce asked for clarification, Bane replied “Yours by inheritance. Exploit by power”. It could almost sound like a compliment he might give Batman. But what Bane really means is that he believes his strength and intelligence have allowed him to capture the city. It is the display of selfishness that has driven him all his life and shows how dangerous Bane’s mentality is.
You Will Know My Name One Day. And On That Day, You Will Beg For Mercy.

Batman briefly encountered Bane when he arrived in Gotham while Bane was scouting to learn more about his enemies. There, he issues a stern warning to Batman, saying, “One day you’ll know my name. And on that day you will beg for mercy. You will scream my name! Scream! “
Accustomed to being threatened, Batman ignores it. Perhaps knowing how disastrous Bane’s arrival would be to his life and to Gotham’s history, Batman might have taken this statement more seriously.
Let’s Not Stand On Ceremony Mr. Wayne.

Bane said those words in The Dark Knight Rises as a surprise to even the best detective in the world. No matter how much chaos Scarecrow and Joker caused in Nolan’s first two films, neither of them were able to uncover the truth about Batman’s secret identity. However, Bane shows he somehow knows.
This line is especially chilling because even the public doesn’t know that they know about Bruce Wayne’s prison escapes. Bane learns the truth, which makes him terrifying both physically and mentally. Batman has completely followed suit and that shows when the real fight begins.
No One Cared Who I Was Until I Put On The Mask.

This quote showed how similar Bane is at times to Batman. They are both children who got the short end of the stick with Bane getting only splinters. Moreover, Bane was probably what Batman would have been if Bruce Wayne wasn’t wealthy.
For both damaged characters, the mask was everything. It was their true face, their ambition, and their reputation. The man behind it was merely the disguise, though Bane never really took his off, willingly.
I Am Bane– And I Could Kill You Instead, I Will Simply Break You!

Bane was one of the first villains to overpower Batman. Arguably, he was the one who “broken the bat”, literally breaking Batman’s back and forcing him into temporary retirement while he healed. Bane did just that in Batman Vol 1497, which is the source of this quote.
Bane simply could have killed him, as he said, but he’s no simple criminal– he actually has his own rules and conviction. To this day, Batman‘s easy and disgraceful defeat at the hands of Bane is one of the most notable disasters in the Dark Knight’s crime-fighting career.