10 Ways The Sequels’ Scrapped Obi-Wan Twist Would Have Changed Star Wars
Rey was almost revealed as Kenobi in Star Wars, an idea that would drastically change the entire sequel trilogy. Although Rey was ultimately Palpatine’s niece, director J.J. Abrams also considered casting her as a descendant of Obi-Wan Kenobi, a popular fan theory since the start of the sequel trilogy. It will be a radical departure from Rey’s arc in the final sequels and will add new context to the entire Star Wars saga. The reveal of Rey being Palpatine’s granddaughter was criticized for happening too late in the trilogy and for contradicting her arc in the previous film. Rey Kenobi would likely have faced similar criticisms, but the different possibilities may have resulted in a stronger story as well. It’s hard to know for sure whether Rey Kenobi would have benefited the Star Wars sequel trilogy, but it certainly would have changed the films in 10 distinct ways.
Rey Kenobi Would Have Redefined Obi-Wan’s Character
Obi-Wan was always presented as a foil to Anakin Skywalker, with one choosing a commitment to the Jedi Code and the other giving in to personal attachment. Star Wars: The Clone Wars did reveal how similar Obi-Wan was to Anakin as a Padawan, but he still sacrificed his desires for the greater good. However, the sequel trilogy confirming Rey as a Kenobi would have presented an opportunity to redefine Obi-Wan’s character, revealing a side of him that viewers never knew about. Exploring how he had descendants would have been a fascinating way to build on his backstory.
Rey Kenobi Could Have Created A Mandalore Connection Between The Movies & The TV Shows
Rey Kenobi would naturally question how Obi-Wan had a niece if the Jedi were barred from having a family, and one possible answer would be Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore. Obi-Wan met Satine as a Padawan when he was assigned to protect her, and the two fell in love while on the run. One popular fan theory is that Satine Korkie Kryze’s “nephew” is actually Obi-Wan’s secret son, but even if that’s not true, Satine is still the most likely person to be. Given the Star Wars TV shows prominently focusing on Mandalore, this would have created an interesting connection with the movies.
Ewan McGregor Would Have Had A Larger Role In The Sequels
Ewan McGregor has had a few lines in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but Rey Kenobi definitely deserves a Force Ghost cameo. Obi-Wan could have helped guide Rey on her journey just as Luke Skywalker did, while also revealing more information about their family’s past. It would also have been interesting to see if McGregor appeared as he did in the prequels or if the makeup team would try to make him look like Alec Guinness.
Palpatine Would Have Been A Better Villain (If He Returned At All)
The sequel trilogy waited until the last minute to reveal that Palpatine was alive and then spent very little time focusing on him. If Rey were a Kenobi instead of Palpatine, the movie wouldn’t have taken the time to make that connection and could instead develop Palpatine into a character. Alternatively, Rey having no relation to Palpatine could absolve him from the sequels altogether.
Kylo Ren Could Have Been The Main Villain
Kylo Ren was first created as the main antagonist of Star Wars: The Last Jedi until Abrams decided to bring Palpatine back. Rey Kenobi will most likely remove Palpatine as the villain and allow Kylo Ren to take center stage, like he did in Colin Trevorrow’s storyline for Duel of the Fates. This will distinguish Kylo Ren’s arc from Darth Vader’s arc and give a much more interesting conclusion to the story.
Obi-Wan’s Granddaughter Vs. Anakin’s Grandson
The Star Wars prequel trilogy ended with Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker fighting each other, so it would be poetic if their grandchildren became enemies too. It will also allow for a more intriguing exploration of whether a person is defined by their lineage, with Rey and Kylo Ren carrying on their grandfathers’ legacies.
Rey and Kylo’s Force Dyad Would Be Far More Interesting
A connection between Obi-Wan and Anakin would also have made Rey and Kylo Ren’s Force Dyad history more interesting. What made Rey and Kylo Ren’s bond so engaging was how they embodied different sides of the Force yet were constantly tempted by the opposing side, so it would have made more sense for Rey to be the granddaughter of a Jedi while Kylo Ren was the grandson of a Sith. The dyad would serve as a perfect representation of how powerful friendships and rivalries can have a lasting effect through the Force.
The Sequels Could Have Explored Obi-Wan’s Birth Family
While Rey could have been Obi-Wan’s direct descendant, another option would have been exploring Obi-Wan’s birth family. Obi-Wan vaguely remembered his parents and brother in Obi-Wan Kenobi, meaning Rey could have been his niece rather than his granddaughter. This would be a logical way to explain how Obi-Wan had a secret family member and shed light on the family he was born into
Obi-Wan Speaking To Rey In Force Awakens Would Be More Meaningful
Obi-Wan tells Rey that “these are your first steps” in The Force Awakens, and that statement would carry more weight if she were a Kenobi. It would be a clever way to herald the final reveal and confirm that Obi-Wan was still watching her from the start.
Rey’s Life On Jakku Would Parallel Obi-Wan’s Exile On Tatooine
Rey’s life on Jakku is commonly viewed as a parallel to Luke’s life on Tatooine, but it had far more in common with Obi-Wan’s exile. Both characters are forced to survive in an unforgiving world as they wait for a day that seems like it will never come, slowly losing hope along the way. Obi-Wan’s introduction in Obi-Wan Kenobi perfectly mirrors Rey’s introduction in The Force Awakens, with everything being conveyed without dialogue as they go through their day. Rey Kenobi would have added new context to these scenes and been the first of many changes to the Star Wars sequel trilogy.